In the search for tariff reductions we can assess a wide range of supply lines – not just the utilities.
The Method
The way this works is as quick and un-intrusive as we feel we can make it.
We have an initial meeting with the client to identify areas in which we could help save money. The initial meeting is an important opportunity: in addition to explaining more about our method, it is mainly a time for us to listen and understand what matters most to the client. That way we can jointly identify the areas that would merit more detailed analysis. After that we collect a few sample documents, such as a recent invoice or the relevant contract. We then work off-site to find tariff reductions, before we report back with recommended solutions. The standard reporting time is two weeks.
If a client likes what we recommend, we implement it. After that we keep an eye on things to ensure that the supplier continues to deliver what was agreed.
We never go ahead with implementing a saving until instructed to do so by the client.
We never raise a fee until the saving has been delivered and is in the client’s account. Our fee is usually a share of the saving, i.e. we are paid out of our success, and we work hard to keep our rate competitive.
Savings Categories.
Here is a list of the main areas in which work for cost reduction. Don’t forget there are other savings on offer under the Using Less Stuff section for consumption reduction:
Catering & Cleaning Audits/services; Electricity; Facilities & ground maintenance; Green initiatives – Funding/Financial; Gas; LED Lighting; Office supplies /Stationery/IT; Oil & LPG; Photocopiers/Printers/MFDs; Solar Panels; Telecoms; Utility bill validation; Waste water & sewerage; Water supply.
If you can’t find the area that you are concerned about here, tell us. We can probably still help. For example looking at reducing costs across you IT equipment or help with staffing etc. let us know, after all, everything in the list above we had to do for the first time at some stage.
Just fill in a simple form, sign a letter of authority and email us a copy of your bill. Or give us a call on 01491 637377. We will do the rest.