£40,000 a year saving
I approached the water project with The Cost Reduction Company with a lot of scepticism as we thought we
Andy House, Head of Estates, Royal United Hospital Bath
had already exhausted the opportunities to reduce water consumption. The Cost Reduction Company delivered precisely what they said they would; innovative technology, simple to maintain and delivering savings.
I would encourage all NHS Trusts to conduct an analysis of their water usage for their site as we found it beneficial. In our particular circumstances we used CRC to good effect. This technology is saving us over
£40,000 a year.

On the edge of the Estate I run a small Caravan Park. Its single largest expense, greater even than wages and salaries, is electricity. I asked the Cost Reduction Company to investigate the account and was amazed to
Anthony Hughes-Onslow, General Manager, Stanford Hall House & Estate
discover that we could save slightly more than 50% of historic annual costs, at prices fixed for the next two years in the face of increasing energy prices. This is a very powerful shot in the arm and a morale boost for this
particular small business. I have therefore asked the CRC to investigate other areas of expenditure over the whole estate.

We asked the Cost Reduction Company to look at our existing Wines, Spirits, Beers, and Soft drinks supply contract with a view to renegotiating our punitive clauses and to introduce a potentially new supplier. After several months of negotiation CRC secured a deal for us. Without the drive, momentum and expertise of the Cost Reduction Company our new contract would never have been concluded. We now have a first class supplier, and are achieving not only savings, but also a larger volume of business
Umesh Umatt, Director, Brook Hotels