The Challenge
Bradfield College is an independent day and boarding school set in over 250 acres of picturesque Berkshire countryside. Nigel Ward, Founder and Managing Director of The Cost Reduction Company, began our relationship with Bradfield College when it asked if we could look into its rapidly increasing energy costs.
Our Solution
Sometimes the simplest solutions produce the greatest outcomes. This was the case for Bradfield College. We started by looking at the way it used and procured its electricity, eventually saving the school £120,000 per year by renegotiating its two-year contract.
The school’s oil supply often had issues with delivery, so The Cost Reduction Company drew up a clear specification to ensure standards are always met therefore saving considerable funds. The same attention to detail was helpful when looking at the water usage at the school. By identifying a mix of tariff and physical issues we managed to save Bradfield College over £40,000 per annum.
Having an ongoing relationship with a school like Bradfield College helps with identifying opportunities where it can save on cost and reduce energy usage. We renegotiated the electricity contract early on in our relationship whilst later looking at the cost of LPG, negotiating an impressive reduction moving forward.
Our Tactics
- Renegotiation of contracts for electricity
- Address infrastructure and use of water within the school
- Renegotiation of LGP contracts
- Draw up specifications for standards that need to be met by suppliers (especially oil) in order to save on costs

Our Highlights
- More than £500,000 of savings made to date
- LED lightings installed in sports hall and tennis centre to reduce energy consumption
- Rebate for past six months of LPG acquired
- Savings of £30,000 through renegotiated electricity contracts
- Savings of £40,000 per annum made due to identification of tariff and physical issues with water usage