The met office confirmed last week that 2022 was the hottest year on record in the UK, with an average annual temperature of over 10C. This statistic turns a ‘once in 500-years’ event into a new reality, providing indisputable evidence that we have a responsibility to future generations to change our behaviour and reduce emissions.
The earth is now 1.1C warmer than it was in the 1800’s. Experts suggest this will be the ‘new’ normal, as humans continue to warm the planet and ignore climate change.
Protecting our earth is imperative, and the collective responsibility of all populations. It should be our ambition to implement changes in our own population and promote it in others. This culture change holds the key to success, as we focus on how to develop, and teach, sustainable practices and create a generational shift in the way we think about resourcing our livelihoods, activities and future development.
Recycling, transportation & water-waste are just three important and prolific areas where we need to focus our attention.
Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular, both domestically and at scale, as a means to reduce carbon. The Carbon Trust estimates that UK schools could reduce their energy costs by around £44 million per year; offsetting 625,000 tons of CO2 per annum by using onsite power generation such as solar and wind generation.

Our ‘Using Less Stuff’ Behaviour Change Programme can help you plan, articulate and deliver a culture-change in your institution by providing:
· Easy-to-access resources
· A management platform tailored to your organisation
· Whole-community and topic-specific projects
· Means to measure and verify actions
· Means to easily share progress and data
· A catalyst for ideas, conversation, understanding and collective buy-in
· Leverage to influence suppliers, service-providers, local communities and businesses
· Evidence of sustainable practises, ESG and social responsibility
All this enables you to become more sustainable and save money at the same time. However, the concept is still the same. It is a programme that aims to change mindsets so you can waste less and actively monitor your usage of stuff so that you can take action, set clear goals and measure success within your school or business as well as create a shared passion to make changes within your organisation, leading to the culture change we need to save our planet.